Yellow Letter Tiles on Blue Background

Thank the legislators that voted to curtail lawsuit abuse- SC JUSTICE ACT – that properly determines and assigns fault. (If a legislator isn’t marked, they are hard-liner injury lawyers).

Check out the current list of Senate sponsors here.

Submit a letter to SUPPORTERS and NON-SUPPORTERS expressing your desire and the industry’s need for ACTION and PASSAGE of “The Justice Act”.

Download sample letters here and place on your company’s letterhead.

The legislature had 2023/2024 sessions to pass a lawsuit fairness bill but failed because of opposition from contingency fee lawyers. This is disappointing and will only keep insurance costs rising and lawyer fees at ever-increasing windfall levels.

This can only hurt our economy by redistributing assets from our producers to pad the pockets of a relatively few lawyers.

White Printer Paper

FIND YOUR LEGISLATOR and get to know them.

Let VOTERS for Justice know if you have an established relationship and are open to communicating on a personal level by emailing [email protected].

The “Contingency Fee Caucus”, those who sided with the TV lawyers who milk South Carolina’s system.

See who voted:

Make a Difference

Join us in advocating for tort reform and equity in the legal system. Together, we can drive meaningful change.

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contacting your legislators!